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December 2022 Newsletter

icon - penA Note from President Capt. John Carlier

As 2022 comes to a close, I can’t help but reflect on the year and be proud of the work the San Francisco Bar Pilots achieved on and off the water. Our pilots received recognition from the Coast Guard for their heroic work responding to the Port of Benicia fire, our business director Capt. Anne McIntyre received the Lifetime Achievement Award from Cal Maritime, and an effort years in the making came to fruition – the passage of AB 2056.

While we continue to face tremendous uncertainty from the ongoing supply chain disruptions and rising inflation, AB 2056 provides us with better flexibility to respond to those challenges. The passage of AB 2056 would not have been possible without the hard work and commitment of our industry partners and of course, the leadership of Assemblymember Grayson. The Bar Pilots play a critical role in the Bay Area economy and support more than $117 billion in economic activity throughout the region. This landmark legislation addresses an outdated rate-making process and will ensure that the Bar Pilots continue their essential work to push the local, regional, and state economy forward.

All of this would not have been possible without the hard work and commitment of the Board of Pilot Commissioners and their Rate Reform Subcommittee. The Bar Pilots look forward to continuing their work with the BOPC and industry stakeholders to tackle more important issues in the new year.

Lastly, on behalf of the San Francisco Bar Pilots, I would like to wish you and yours a happy and healthy holiday season.

Capt. John Carlier

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Commemorating the Passage of AB 2056

In celebration of the passage of AB 2056, the Bar Pilots were honored to host a breakfast with Assemblymember Grayson and our industry partners at Pier 9. A brilliant fall day, those gathered at the Bar Pilots offices were able to appreciate the beauty of the San Francisco Bay backdrop while hearing firsthand just how much effort went into this process and how grateful all parties were for the cooperation of their peers. Following a light brunch at Pier 9, attendants then headed down the street to a Board of Pilot Commissioners meeting, where the Commissioners again commended the collaborative process and Asm. Grayson spoke to the profound impact this legislation will have on the San Francisco maritime industry.

Photo Commemorating the Passage of AB 2056

Photo from left to right: Capt. Robert Carr, Board of Pilot Commissioners; Anne McIntyre, San Francisco Bar Pilots; Asm. Tim Grayson, California State Assembly; Capt. John Carlier, San Francisco Bar Pilots; San Francisco City Attorney David Chiu, City of San Francisco; Mike Jacob, Pacific Merchant Shipping Association; Lauren De Valencia y Sanchez, Cruise Lines International Association.

Bar Pilots Receive Commendation from US Coast Guard

The San Francisco Bar Pilots were honored to receive a Public Service Commendation last month from the United States Coast Guard, in recognition of their response to a four-alarm fire at the Benicia Port Terminal last April. The commendation highlighted the pilots’ “dedication, bias for action and professionalism” through “protecting the lives of all crew members and millions of dollars in property, and mitigating catastrophic environmental impacts.” Congratulations to Capt. David McCloy, Capt. Jesse Pullin and Capt. Ray Ridens for receiving special recognition for their brave efforts.

Sea Scouts Visit Pier 9

On September 27, the young men and women from the San Francisco Sea Scouts joined Bar Pilot Capts. Carr, Kellerman, and McIntyre for a tour of the Pier 9 facility. The Sea Scouts were thrilled to ride around the bay aboard a pilot vessel and witness first-hand some Pilots in action when their boat picked up two Bar Pilots following the navigation of a container ship to the Port of Oakland queue. The Bar Pilots enjoyed meeting with the next generation of maritime leaders and hope to inspire more young people to consider becoming a pilot!

Fleet Week 2022

This October the City of San Francisco once again welcomed the U.S. Navy for Fleet Week 2022 and kicked off the week of festivities with the Parade of Ships. The Bar Pilots assisted in piloting the USS Princeton, USS Harpers Ferry, USS Kansas City and USS Fitzgerald during the parade.

Before the Bar Pilots navigate the Navy ships through the Golden Gate, they take a quick helicopter ride and land on the carriers out at sea. Take a look at the first-hand account from Capt. Eric Robinson and Capt. Chris Pyne Mercier.

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KWAI Arrival from Hawaii

On July 23rd, a 52-year-old sailboat named KWAI finished its six-week voyage from Honolulu, Hawaii to the Bay Area. Bar Pilot Capt. Andy Murray brought the ship through the Golden Gate carrying approximately 100 tons of plastic waste. This waste was collected from the Great Pacific Garbage Gyre by the Ocean Voyages Institute, a Sausalito-based non-profit that has collected over 500,000 pounds of plastics from the ocean prior to the trip. The Bar Pilots were honored to donate their services to support this effort and want to give special thanks to retired Bar Pilot Capt. Kip Carlson for his efforts in coordinating the port call.

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Port Partners Series

The Bar Pilots have a close working relationship with each of our nine port partners and regularly provide technical expertise and practical support. Over the course of the summer and fall, the Bar Pilots have been sharing some facts about each of the nine ports we serve.


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