A Note from President Capt. John Carlier
Happy Holidays, and welcome to our Winter 2023 newsletter.
As we close out 2023, the San Francisco Bar Pilots approach our 174th year of operation. Our organization has managed to change and evolve over the years, pivoting from sail-powered pilot schooners until the 1970’s to state-of-the-art pilot boats. This fall, we welcomed the new Pilot Vessel Golden Gate, which is an advanced, CARB-compliant vessel that will add additional safety and maneuverability with less emissions than former models. We are looking forward to continuing to upgrade our vessel group over the coming years to ensure we are able to move the economy forward while reducing our carbon footprint.
With the pandemic behind us, 2023 was also the year we opened our doors and hosted numerous elected officials and maritime groups at Pier 9. It was rewarding to provide a first-hand look at how the Bar Pilots operate and why our role is so critical on the waterfront. Moving forward, we hope to increase our visibility while strengthening ties with the various boards, organizations, and legislative bodies we interact with.
As the second oldest maritime organization in San Francisco, we have witnessed many changes in our industry over the years. One constant, though, has been our annual holiday party, where we welcome old friends and colleagues, collect toys, and build bicycles for the San Francisco Fire Fighters Holiday Toy Drive. You can read more below about this important tradition. On behalf of the San Francisco Bar Pilots, I would like to wish you and your families a happy and healthy holiday season and best wishes for the New Year.
Capt. John Carlier

Vessel Christening Event

Last month, the Bar Pilots brought together elected officials, staff, maritime colleagues, and friends for the celebration and christening of the new Pilot Vessel Golden Gate, which replaced a pilot vessel under the same name.

The event was a huge success, with President of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors Aaron Peskin presenting Capt. John Carlier with a Certificate of Honor recognizing the new vessel.

The new Golden Gate’s cutting-edge engine and technology will allow us to transfer to and from ships safely and efficiently with added maneuverability and speed, meaning safer trips and faster service for the ships calling into the pilotage ground while advancing the Bar Pilots’ sustainability goals.

The new vessel’s funding was made possible through the passage of last year’s Assembly Bill 2056 legislation authored by Asm. Timothy Grayson (D-Concord). Asm. Grayson was on hand to celebrate the christening of Golden Gate and presented Business Director Capt. Anne McIntyre with a Members Resolution from the California State Assembly, recognizing her Lifetime Achievement Award from Cal Maritime.

The process of christening a ship before its launch started in ancient times, but the inclusion of smashing a champagne bottle goes back to the 19th century as a way to bring good luck to all future trips. The ceremony was performed on the bow of the vessel, as is tradition, by SFBP’s longest and shortest-tenured employees, Steve Ross and Vanessa Wilkinson.
PV Drake Rescue Mission
While the role of the Bar Pilots typically focuses on environmental stewardship and driving the economy forward, the organization is also on call to assist with any emergency out on the water, helping keep the San Francisco Bay safe and secure.

New Pilots + Trainees
The Bar Pilots welcomed six new pilots to the ranks this year. Congratulations to Capts. John Meyer, Jon Olmsted, Mathew Burns, Jim Pascucci, Bart Sappington and Spencer Snapp! We look forward to sharing more about the newest members of the Bar Pilots as they continue to learn the ins and outs of the job.
The Bar Pilots also welcomed Lilly Gallo and Christian Barron into the California Board of Pilot Commissioners’ training program, which lasts anywhere from 18 months to 3 years. Developing an exceptional talent pool of trainees is critical to the recruitment process, as great recruits make great pilots! We wish Trainee Capts. Gallo and Barron the best of luck as their training progresses.

Pier 9 Visits
Pier 9 has had a host of visitors over the last few months. Some of the groups who came for a tour include Asm. Timothy Grayson and legislative staff from Sacramento, the International Longshoremen and Warehouse Union’s Young Workers Committee, summer interns from the Port of San Francisco, the San Francisco Sea Scouts, as well as members of the Board of Pilot Commissioners and California Department of Finance. These opportunities offer the Bar Pilots a chance to not only provide additional background about the organization but to demonstrate why the Pilots are important to the San Francisco Bay waterfront and the local economy.

Japanese Coast Guard Ship Visit
Earlier this year, Capt. Bart Sappington joined the crew of Kojima, a Japanese training ship that kicked off its journey across the globe with a stop at the Port of San Francisco. Capt. Sappington met with the 52 trainees on board and is looking forward to seeing the ship when it makes its voyage into the San Francisco Bay again next year.
Capt. Lynn Korwatch Appointed to BOPC
Capt. Lynn Korwatch was appointed as the Dry Cargo Industry Member to the Board of Pilot Commissioners for the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo, and Suisun by Governor Newsom on October 12. Capt. Korwatch previously served as Executive Director for the Marine Exchange of the San Francisco Bay Region for 23 years. We look forward to working closely with her and her new colleagues on the board. Please join us in welcoming Capt. Korwatch!