Government Partners

The Bar Pilots partner with the United States Coast Guard, United States Army Corps of Engineers, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and more to protect our waterways and wildlife.


United States Coast Guard

The San Francisco Bar Pilots work closely with the United States Coast Guard to further their mission of maritime safety and security in the Bay. Learn more about the US Coast Guard here.

United States Department of Homeland Security

The San Francisco Bar Pilots are the first to board foreign vessels entering US waters and work closely with the US Department of Homeland Security to ensure domestic security.

United States Army Corps of Engineers

The United States Army Corps of Engineers works to strengthen our nation’s security by building and maintaining America’s infrastructure, including the critical service of dredging America’s waterways to support the movement of critical commodities.

National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration

The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) publishes the nautical charts used for navigation. They also provide highly accurate information related to tides, current, swell, and weather. This information is absolutely essential for ensuring the safe and efficient transits of commercial vessels.

State and Local ​

San Francisco Harbor Safety Committee

In 1990, the California State Legislature established Harbor Safety Committees throughout the State of California. In 1991, the Harbor Safety Committee of the San Francisco Bay Region developed a Harbor Safety Plan that encompasses San Francisco, San Pablo, and Suisun Bays. The Harbor Safety Plan is a living document that is routinely reviewed and updated. Annual Reports are submitted to the State Administrator. The Committee operates under the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Office of Spill Prevention and Response and is administered by the Marine Exchange of the San Francisco Bay Region. The Harbor Safety Committee monthly meetings are open to the public. Please visit the Marine Exchange website for additional information.

California Board of Pilot Commissioners

This is a governor-appointed state board with broad regulatory oversight over the San Francisco Bar Pilots. You can learn more about the licensing process here.

Northern California Maritime Security Committee

This federally mandated committee helps coordinate planning, information sharing, and other vital activities to advance the security of the regional Marine Transportation System. You can learn more about this committee here.
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